With/In - Modern Body Festival
Francisco López & Valentina Lacmanovic
Live Immersive Sound & Movement Performance
Modern Body Festival
The Hague, The Netherlands
October 18th 2014
A Modern Body Festival 2014 is a full-day event featuring installations & screenings, performances and a lecture, exploring what the notion of ‘body’ means in today’s culture, through art.
http://modernbodyfestival.org/ |

BioMechanica - Japan Tour
(Arturo Lanz & Francisco López)
Live Shows:
October 6: TOKYO @ Shinsekai
October 7: OSAKA @ Conpass

Virtual GeoSonography - Firenze
Tempo Reale Festival 2014
Firenze, 26 Settembre > 4 Ottobre 2014
Performance immersiva
Mercoledì 1 ottobre, ore 21.30
Limonaia di Villa Strozzi
Regia del suono Francisco Lopez
Le performance sonore di Francisco López sono qualcosa di diverso rispetto ad un “normale” concerto di musica. Si tratta in realtà di un’intensa e ricca esperienza sensoriale immersiva nel buio più totale e circondati da un sistema sonoro multicanale. Una miriade di sorgenti acustiche originali raccolte in ogni parte del mondo, contribuiscono alla creazione di universi sonori virtuali: dalle foreste pluviali ai deserti, dalle industrie agli edifici della società occidentale, i suoni si alternano e si trasformano grazie all’abile manipolazione del suono di questo importante artista spagnolo. Lo spazio è riconfigurato grazie ad un sistema audio multicanale attorno agli spettatori, seduti verso l’esterno in cerchi concentrici: Lopez opera nel centro dello spazio controllando dal vivo il suono complessivo udito dagli spettatori.
GEOGRAFIE. Riascoltare il mondo
suoni e musica di ricerca
Firenze, 26 settembre > 4 ottobre 2014 La settima edizione del Tempo Reale Festival incrocia gli esiti delle precedenti indagini sul rapporto tra musica e ambiente e sul rapporto tra musica e mondo del lavoro, per espanderli in un modo trasversale che possa abbracciare diversità estetiche, linguistiche e culturali: una geografia di suoni appunto. Con il titolo “GEOGRAFIE. Riascoltare il mondo” il festival propone un programma variegato tra concerti, installazioni, performance e incontri dove la musica diventa elemento di condivisione e accoglienza per le culture e tradizioni di tutto il mondo.
http://www.temporealefestival.it/ |
Ghost Forest - Murcia
'Ghost Forest'
an invisible sound installation by Francisco López
Curated by Jesús de la Peña
Puertas de Castilla center, Murcia, Spain
September 26th - December 10th 2014
Forests are natural acousmatic environments. The typical intricacy of their structure amplifies the conditions for multi-layered -and sometimes quite complex- sonic phenomena whose sources can hardly be seen. In many cases they also sonically manifest as three-dimensional constellations of small point sources generated by insects and birds, moving through the canopy and the undergrowth of the arboreal vegetation.
“Ghost Forest” is a compositional transposition of a multitude of original recordings, made in diverse forests all over the world. With the aim of creating an crisp three-dimensional, subtly immersive environment, the original captured “reality” has been evolved through extreme filtering. This process has been carried out to reveal a high frequency, ghostly spectrum of frequencies of the transposed forest environments.
The different “spectral” sonic layers are automatically mixed live in the space (in ever-changing combinations) through a special sound system specially designed for this installation, with an array of invisible small speakers spread out in the space. These sounds have been thoroughly worked in the studio as an automatic composition, both for the this specific speaker sound system used and for the actual exhibition space.
Original environmental sound matter recorded at multiple locations in Australia, Borneo, Brazil, Burma, Cambodia, Canada, Costa Rica, France, Greece, Japan, Senegal, and the USA between 1990 and 2013. Created at “mobile messor” (Amsterdam, Besançon, The Hague, Barcelona, Madrid, Murcia) in 2011-14.
“Ghost Forest” is a sound piece-installation in constant evolution, with a character that is not only “site-specific” (relative to the actual presentation space) but also “media-specific” (relative to the specific fetures of the media for its presentation). The diverse mutations it has experienced are the outcome of the sensibility, adaptability and creative response to the marked (and crucial) differences and peculiarities of each space-media situation. In each manifestation of this piece, the number, type, organization and distribution of speakers, as well as the studio work on the sound materials, are relative (and adapted) to those space-media conditions. Since the piece operates, among other elements, with sound reflections and their mix in the actual space, it not only adapts to the different circumstances, but is also the intentional and explicit result of the characteristics of each one of the space-media.
Previous realizations of “Ghost Forest”:
(1) Ghost Forest - Besançon (France) 2011
Outdoos in a forest in Besançon (France) for the event “Back to the Trees”. http://www.backtothetrees.fr
(2) Ghost Forest - Barcelona (Spain) 2012
In the indoor main space of the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona (Spain), for the Sónar Festival 2012.
(3) Ghost Forest - Amsterdam (Holland) 2013
In the GlazenHuis Pavilion of Amstel Park in Amsterdam.
(4) Ghost Forest - Arlington (USA) 2014
At Artisphere’s Terrace Gallery in Arlington (VA, USA).

Hyper-Rainforest / Pasadena
[space-shifted portable version]
An immersive sound piece by Francisco López
5.1 Sound Installation running daily at The Sphaerae
for the A x S Festival in Pasadena, California
September 19th – October 5th, 2014
absolute Enschede
live immersive performance with custom-made surround pocket-speaker system LFHDPMVSSS:
“Low-Fi High Definition Portable Multi-Channel Surround Sound System”
@ The Spaherae, Gogbot Festival, Enschede (NL)
SPHAERAE is an inflatable multi-dome pavilion for immersive and syneasthetic experiences. SPHAERAE is a low-power portable performance and experimentation platfrom for the arts and sciences for an audience upto 100 guests. SPHAERAE can touch down on uncharted territories making temporary ecosystems with fragile and complex atmospheric conditions as an instrument to explore the phenomena of light, sound and movement. The design concept by COCKY EEK mimics the geometry of soap-bubble clusters.

absolute Viseu
Jardins Efémeros festival
Viseu, Portuga
francisco lópez
live immersive performance – July 18th 18:30h
Claustro grande do Museu Grão Vasco
Masterclass – July 19th 18:00h
Sala de exposições temporárias do Museu Grão Vasco
More info: http://www.jardinsefemeros.pt

absolute Ravello
francisco lópez
live immersive performance
July 15th – 10:00PM / Niemeyer Auditorium

headphone performance
francisco lópez
Outdoor feral live performance
with 1 battery-operated source
and 40 networked headphones
New commissioned piece with hydrophone recordings
Embalse del Pontón Alto water dam
Sierra de Guadarrama Mountains (north of Madrid city, Spain)
Organized by Mayrit / La Casa Encendida
More info: http://www.lacasaencendida.es/node/3614
francisco lópez – “untitled#271”
Sound exhibition within the frame of Géoculture
Bibliothèque Francophone Multimédia de Limoges (France)
June 28th to September 6th, 2014
“La Rivière” is a series of more than 20 sound pieces composed since 2010 from audio recordings made within the framework of the “k146 : cartographie sonore autour du Taurion” project (Sound map of the Taurion River) and published on CD by kaon.
This two thirty sound installation / sound projection is located in a specific listening room and offers sound extracts of the pieces composed by (in order of appearance):
Jos Smolders (Esprit flottant)
Marc Namblard (Gisements (1))
Bruno Moreigne (Drop collisions near 45°47’12N / 2°02’07E)
Frédéric Nogray (Vaccabons et Malfactours)
Jacques Soddell (Frozen Moment)
Francisco Lopez (untitled #271)
Lasse-Marc Riek (Taurion concret)
Simon Whetham (She floated away)
Freiband [Frans De Waard] (Transition)
Pierre Juillard (Aquifère)
Artificial Memory Trace (n.RioTau)
D’incise (Are fishes nihilist? (all this is not realistic))
Dale Lloyd (Taurion, trou de lapin)
Jay-Dea Lopez (Terraform)
toy.bizarre (kdi dctb 146 [s])
Robert Curgenven (Go Outside)
You can also listen to extract on the Géoculture – Le Limousin vu par les artistes website.
The [Music] Room
“The [Music] Room”
a sound installation by Francisco López
as part of the exhibition “In the Garden of Sonic Delights”
Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts
Katonah, New York
June 7 – November 3, 2014
‘I frequently hear music in the very heart of noise’ (George Gerswhin)
‘I, for my part, frequently hear noise in the very heart of music’ (Francisco López)
The [Music] Room of the Rosens’ house—the room itself—witnessed many an evening of music being executed in it by Walter Rosen (piano) and Lucie Bigelow Rosen (theremin) themselves. The [Music] Room—the sound installation piece—manifests as an apparently immanent state of eternal quasi-presence. The performers and the audience have already left the room. The involuntary sonic presence of both the instruments and of those who attended the concert, however, refuses to leave. It will resonate forever within these confines as a quasi-music that somehow surpasses the original; with its own self-sufficient presence, beauty and pride. Or, seen in a different light: that “original” situation of performers and audience is probably being reenacted now — in front of us — in a parallel realm of which we can only sense its most alluring aspect: the noise in the music.
The automatic piano performs compositions taken from Walter Rosen’s preferred classical repertoire. The theremin performing sounds have been evolved from original recordings by Lucie Bigelow Rosen on the theremin.
In the Garden of Sonic Delights is a major exhibition of sound art woven into the fabric of Westchester County, NY. Centered at Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, the exhibition spans six of the region’s most dynamic cultural institutions and features fifteen commissioned, site-specific artworks by some of the world’s most sought-after artists working in the medium of sound. Each artist has drawn inspiration from their chosen location, creating work that is mindful of the natural and human-made sounds and systems already present in the environment, while engaging each site’s unique characteristics, be they acoustic, historic, architectural, or aesthetic. Over the five-month duration of the exhibition, the artworks will be transformed in their context, in tandem with the passing of the day and the change in seasons, rewarding many return visits. In the Garden of Sonic Delights reveals the power of sound to galvanize our perceptions, encourage participation, elevate awareness, and foster reflection.
Caramoor is located at 149 Girdle Ridge Road, Katonah, New York 10536 in Westchester County, 40 miles northeast of New York City.
More info > http://www.caramoor.org/house-gardens/in-the-garden-of-sonic-delights/the-artists/
absolute New York
Sonic Delights: Francisco López / Taylor Deupree & Stephen Vitiello
Wed, June 4, 2014 - 8:00pm
ISSUE Project Room: 22 Boerum Place, Brooklyn 11201
$10 / $8 members + students
ISSUE and Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts present performances by innovative experimental musicians Francisco López, Taylor Deupree and Stephen Vitiello, in advance of their participation in Caramoor’s sound art exhibition In the Garden of Sonic Delights.
Acclaimed sound artist Francisco López makes a rare New York appearance— his first since two sold-out shows at ISSUE in 2012. He creates a distinctive immersive show: an intense and rich sonic experience in the dark, with a multi-channel sound system and blindfolds provided for the audience.
Taylor Deupree and Stephen Vitiello, label-mates and collaborators, perform a unique duo featuring modular synthesizers, field recordings and guitar. This set anticipates the release of a forthcoming LP, Captiva (12k) based on a shared residency at Robert Rauschenberg’s studio compound.
This concert serves as a preview for the summer 2014 large-scale open-air sound art exhibition In the Garden of Sonic Delights, presented at Caramoor and five other partner organizations throughout Westchester. Caramoor has commissioned sixteen established and emerging sound artists to create innovative and inventive site-specific artworks, opening Saturday, June 7, and continuing through fall 2014.
Taylor Deupree is an accomplished sound artist whose recordings, rich with abstract atmospherics, have appeared on numerous record labels, and well as in site-specific installations. He started out, in the 1990s, making new noises that edged outward toward the fringes of techno, and in time he found his own path to follow. His music today emphasizes a hybrid of natural sounds and technological mediation. Deupree dedicates as much time to other people’s music as he does to his own. In 1997 he founded the record label 12k, which since then has released over 100 recordings by some of the most accomplished musicians and modern sound artists of our time.
Stephen Vitiello is an electronic musician and media artist. His sound installations have been presented internationally including at the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum, the Cartier Foundation, Paris and the Sydney Biennial. His work is featured in the upcoming exhibition, In the Garden of Sonic Delights at Caramoor in Katonah, NY. Past collaborations have included Pauline Oliveros, Scanner, Steve Roden and Ryuichi Sakamoto. CDs have been published on various labels including 12k, Sub Rosa and New Albion.
Francisco López is internationally recognized as one of the major figures of the sound art and experimental music scene. For more than thirty years he has developed an astonishing sonic universe, absolutely personal and iconoclastic, based on a profound listening of the world. He has realized hundreds of concerts, projects with field recordings, workshops and sound installations in over seventy countries of the five continents. His extensive catalog of sound pieces (with live and studio collaborations with over 150 international artists) have been released by more than 300 record labels worldwide.
More info > http://issueprojectroom.org

by Francisco López
Environmental Sound Matter from the Peruvian Amazon
Dawn and Evening Chorus Radio
Every dawn, at around 4 til 6 am we play dawn recordings, done by friends and colleagues from around the world.
Here is the schedule and more information about the recordings we are playing each morning.
Saturday 26.4 til sunday 27.4 – at around 4 am we will play a field recording made by soundartist and composer Francisco López.
You will hear a beautiful and rich dawn chorus from the Peruvian Amazon, taken from his latest album
«Yanayacu – environmental sound matter from the Peruvian Amazon» – The Epoché Collection – Vol. 2
More info: http://radiohopesanddreams.com
Ghost Forest - FERMATA
an installation by Francisco López
“FERMATA” sound exhibition
Artisphere / Terrace Gallery
April 24th – August 3rd, 2014
Arlington, Virginia 22209
Fermata is Artisphere’s first exhibition dedicated entirely to sound and the largest of its kind in the region to date. Featuring nearly 30 artists, Fermata takes an expansive approach and is a celebration of individuals using sound in a variety of disciplines, from composer Ryuichi Sakamoto to NASA Kepler scientist Lucianne Walkowicz.
Centered around a wall of speakers designed by sound artist John Henry Blatter that will be used by all participants in the show, Fermata will unfold in three parts, or movements, each featuring a different combination of six to 10 sound works that will cycle continuously for a month. Each Movement will play on a continuous loop with no two works playing simultaneously in the gallery; each piece will utilize every functioning speaker on the wall, allowing playback of multi-channel audio works. Fermata will conclude with Coda, a collaboration with Transformer as part of their annual Exercises program for emerging artists.
1st Movement (Apr 24-May 25)
Annea Lockwood
Brian McBride
Jez riley French
John Henry Blatter + Nathan Tersteeg
Lawrence English
Richard Chartier
Salomè Voegelin + David Mollin
Scarfolk Council
2nd Movement (May 28-June 22)
Alberto Gaitán
Don Zientara + Ian MacKaye
Eddie Ruscha
Forest Swords
Markus Guentner
Ryuichi Sakamoto
The London Sound Survey
Toni Dimitrov
3rd Movement (June 25-July 20)
Alvin Lucier
Beauty Pill
Francisco Lopèz
Kate Carr
Lucianne Walkowicz
Specta Ciera
The Books
CODA (July 23-Aug 10)
Alex Braden
E. Jane
Emily Francisco
Ian McDermott

An evening-long program created for Störung Festival 9
by Francisco López & Barbara Ellison
Centre Cultural La Farinera del Clot, Barcelona
April 12th 2014 – 8:00PM
More info: http://www.storung.com
Immersive sound performance by Francisco López
“Hantu-Hilang” (Malaysian for “Lost Ghost”) is a matrix of subtle sonic materials specifically composed for –and physicalized by means of- López’s “LFHDPMCSSS” (“Low-Fi High Definition Portable Multi-Channel Surround Sound System”), a custom-implemented portable system with sixteen, off-the-shelf, small pocket speakers. Quiet and delicate; a distillation of sonic threads in space; a glimpse of the phantasmagoric populating every and all spaces.
“untitled #91”
Screening [excerpt] audio-visual piece by Francisco López and Jorge Simonet
“untitled #91” is an ethereal trip into extremes of visual and sonic subtlety in a small hyper-slow universe.
“A masterfully crafted journey to the threshold of audiability... A landmark in minimal art and sound... If not the most minimal film in history, this is certainly the most minimal music video ever!” [Soleilmoon, USA]
“The Other Voice”
A sound performance by Barbara Ellison
“Vocal Phantoms” is part of a series of ‘vocal’ works that play with the phenomenon known as ‘semantic satiation’, a psychological effect in which repetition causes a word or phrase to temporarily lose meaning for the listener. This leads to the experience of processing the speech as repeated meaningless sounds or even other words not present in the acoustical signal.
“Drawing EVP”
A sound performance by Barbara Ellison
“Drawing Phantoms” is a sonic/physical performance using drawing to transform shapes on amplified surfaces exploiting this medium to manipulate the perceptual auditory image and to lure out sonic phantoms. Despite the relentless repetition, the fascination comes from the emergent patterns that appear in the foreground and disappear randomly and spontaneously, shifting and repeating with repeated listening.
“untitled #281”
Immersive sound performance by Francisco López
“untitled #281” was created by extreme mutation and evolution of bird calls from original recordings carried out over a period of fifteen years (1995-2010) in multiple wilderness locations of Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Spain, South Africa, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru. The most dramatic antithesis of any “birdsong” piece you could imagine.
[Originally commissioned / curated by Arnau Horta].
Paraná Añá
“Paraná Añá”
Performance & talk by Francisco López
Based on the sound piece created with original environmental recordings from
the 2010 boat expedition along the Paraná River (Argentina – Paraguay)
@ Casa de América Cataluña
Carrer Corsega, 299, Barcelona
April 10th, 2014 – 7:39pm
absolute Prague
Stimul Festival - Prague
francisco lópez
live immersive performance
for low-fi high definition portable multi-channel surround system
+ live performance by Artificial Memory Trace

Gallery Dira - untitled#314
sound installation “untitled#314”
opening: March 29th, 2014
@ “The Hole”, Gallery Dira
Prague Insitute of Intermedia
Institute of Intermedia

Cape Town - Infecting the City
Francisco López
Live Immersive Performances
@ Infecting The City festival
The Centre for the Book
62, Queen Victoria Street
Cape Town, South Africa
March 11th & 12th at 12:00PM
More info:
absolute Torun, Poland
francisco lópez
@ CoCArt Music Festival
Torun, Poland
Feb 21st - 3:00pm: lecture / talk presentation
Feb 22nd - 9:15pm: live immersive performance
Friday Feb 21st:
Bocian Records (PL), Bernd Klug (AT), Innercity Ensemble (PL), Feine Trinkers bei Pinkels Daheim (DE), Piotr Kurek (PL)
Witold Oleszak/Adam Gołębiewski (PL), Mia Zabelka (AT), Francisco López (SP), Jason Kahn (CH), Wilhelm Bras (PL)
More info > http://csw.torun.pl/dzialania/festiwale/6.-cocart-music-festival

BioMechanica - Athens
Francisco López & Arturo Lanz
72 Iera Odos & Spyrou Patsi. Keramikos Metro Station, Athens
Doors open 20:00h
“untitled (fragment Borneo rainforest 2012)”
environmental sound matter composition
as part of the program of
February 6th, 2014 6:30 to 8:30 PM
The Bruno Walter Auditorium
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
40 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023