The Brainstorm Sessions - Amsterdam
Francisco López
Immersive Mind Massage Performance @
Opening exhibition "Neurons Firing"
part of "The Brainstorm Sessions"
Friday 13 December, 19h00
Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond - Amsterdam
Exhibition runs until 19 January
Europe and the USA are looking to completely unravel the secrets of our brains within the next ten years. Europe has designated 2014 as The Year of the Brain. We have decided to dedicate a month to the grey matter: The Brainstorm Sessions. A month in which guest curator Frank Theys – filmmaker, philosopher and visual artist – i.c.w. Damiaan Denys - philosopher and professor of psychiatry at the AMC-UvA, the Amsterdam Medical Centre of the University of Amsterdam - will bring together elements he considers interesting from an artistic and philosophical viewpoint related to this theme.
The exhibition Neurons Firing is part of The Brainstorm Sessions. We are pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition on Friday, 13 December at 19h00. The central focus of this exhibition, which combines neural images made by both artists and scientists, each approaching the subject from their own unique perspective, is how the visual arts respond to the prospect of being able to unfold someone’s mind. During the opening, you will also be able to visit the concert by soundscape artist Francisco López, free of charge. Lopez has performed and exhibited installations in all the major museums and festivals, such as PS1 Contemporary Art Center (New York), Museum of Modern Art (Paris), Institute of Contemporary Art (London) and the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Prepare yourself for an immersive mind massage in the dark.
The exhibition includes works by Anirban Bandyopadhyay, The Blue Brain Project, Henry Markram, Jennifer Kanary Nikolova, Shinji Nishimoto & Jack L. Gallant, Frank Theys and Harald Thys & Jos De Gruyter. Read more about the exhibition>
FRANK THEYS (Brussels, 1963), guest curator of the exhibition, is a filmmaker, philosopher and visual artist. His audio-visual work ranges from interactive installations to documentary, experimental film and theatre. The common thread is a scientific approach to existential questions and vice versa. His work has won various international awards and can be found in the collections of MOMA (New York), SMAK (Ghent) and the Centre National de la Cinématographie in Paris. His recent documentary series Technocalyps stirred up a storm of debate within the cultural and scientific worlds.
Below, you will find the complete programme of The Brainstorm Sessions, our month dedicated to the brain:
Fri 13 Dec - Sun 19 Jan: Exhibition Neurons Firing
Tue 17 - Sat 21 Dec, 20h30 / Sun 22 Dec, 16h00: Theatre performance: What is fear?
Thu 09 Jan, 20h30: Sonic Soirée #22 is taken over by psychedelic soundwaves
Fri 10 Jan, 20h30 - 2h00: ABC Night of the Brain
Sun 12 Jan, 16h00 – 19h00: Zjoek, The Brain Screen (in Kriterion)
Mon 13 Jan, 20h30: Lecture: Film and Brains in the Digital Age, by Patricia Pisters
Thu 16 Jan, 13h00 – 17h00: Symposium: on Deep Brain Stimulation and the Law.
Thu 16 Jan, 20h30: Lecture: on Microtubules & The Big Debate on Consciousness, by sir Roger Penrose, Anirban Bandyopadhyay & Stuart Hameroff
Fri 17 Jan, 20h30: Science Demonstration: Sapta Rishi (The Seven Stars) by Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Subrata Ghosh and Batu Ghosh
Sat 18 Jan, 20h30: Science concert: Ajeya Chhandam (The Invincible Rhythm) by Anirban Bandyopadhya
Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond
Nes 45, 1012 KD Amsterdam
tel info: (020) 622 90 14
tel kassa: (020) 626 68 66 www.brakkegrond.nl

Workshop/Residency in South Africa
'Sonic Mmabolela'
Annual Workshop/Residency for sound artists and composers
at Mmabolela Reserve, Limpopo, South Africa
November - December 2013 - 2 weeks
Conceived and directed by Francisco López (www.franciscolopez.net)
Coordination and logistics by James Webb (www.theotherjameswebb.com)
An intensive and extensive immersion into the sonic environments of the African savannah, as well as into a myriad open questions about field recordings, "sonic reality" and sound creation.

"NO", Global Tour. The Film.
by Santiago Sierra
(120 min, b/w, 2011)
Screening at Zeise Kinos, Hamburg
with a live sound performance
by Francisco López
Matinée November 3rd 11:00am

Todays Arts - Den Haag
"Hantu Hilang"
an immersive live performance by
francisco lópez
with the legendary
Low-Fi High Definition Portable Multi-Channel Surround Sound System
@ Todays Arts Festival, The Hague, The Netherlands
September 28th 5:30pm
More info > http://todaysart.nl/2013/program/francisco-lopez/

Hyper-Rainforest / Ars Electronica
an immersive installation by Francisco López
at Spharae / Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
“Total Recall - The Evolution of Memory”
As part of the Studiolab open call, “Synthetically Yours”, the ArtScience Interfaculty and Synergetica Lab present a series of multi-sensory performances and installations in the context of synthetic biology. Transpiring inside Sphæræ, an inflatable multi-dome pavilion created by Cocky Eek, these spherically projected artworks evoke the transformation of prebiotic conditions into the complex behavior and dimensionality of synthesized living cells.
Sphæræ will be in front of the Ars Electronica Center on the bank of Danube River, offering a full program of performances, talks, and installations during all 5 days of the festival, September 5th -9th.
17:00 - 19:00 Sphæræ introduction by Arthur I. Miller, Synergetica Lab, ArtScience Interfaculty (The Hague), Royal College of Art (London)
19:00 - 19:30 Joost Rekveld"#43.5"
12:00 - 17:00 "Hyper-Rainforest" installation by Francisco López
20:30 - 23:00 Sphæræ reopens for performances
21:00 - 21:30 Mariska de Groot and Dieter Vandoren "Shadow Puppet?"
21:30 - 22:00 Paul Prudence "Hydro-Acoustic Study"
22:00 - 22:30 Eduard Haiman, Michael Holub, Evgeniy Vaschenko, Vadim Smakhtin "Biosphere"
22:30 - 23:00 Nenad Popov, Erfan Abdi "Polar"
12:00 - 15:00 "Hyper-Rainforest" installation by Francisco López
17:30 - 19:30 Sphæræ reopens for performances
18:00 - 18:30 Bas van Koolwijk "Runaway AV"
18:30 - 19:00 Evelina Domnitch, Dmitry Gelfand "10000 Peacock Feathers in Foaming Acid"
19:00 - 19:30 Matthijs Munnik "Citadels"
12:00 - 14:00 "Hyper-Rainforest" installation by Francisco López
17:00 - 19:00 Sphæræ reopens for performances
17:00 - 17:30 Joris Stribos & Yamila Rios Manzanares "Covex"
17:30 - 18:00 Eric Parren "Gut Feeling"
18:00 - 18:30 Martijn van Boven "On Growth and Data"
19:00 - 23:00 "Hyper-Rainforest" installation by Francisco López
12:00 - 17:00 "Hyper-Rainforest" installation by Francisco López
Noosa Biosphere Reserve
Francisco López Masterclass in Noosa Biosphere Reserve
Join internationally renowned sound artist and ecosystems biologist Francisco López for an exclusive masterclass in the Noosa Biosphere Reserve on September 15th 2013
Date: Sunday, September 15, 2013
Time: 9am – 12pm
Location: Noosa Biosphere Reserve, Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
Field recording will take place in the upper Noosa River; participants will travel by boat to the entrance of the Everglades.
Meeting Point: 8:45am at the Big Pelican on Noosa River (222 Gympie Terrace, Noosaville QLD 4566)
Please bring your own field recording equipment and sun protection. Field recording kits are available for hire if you do not have access to your own equipment.
Cost: This event is free of charge supported by Biosphere Soundscapes and Noosa Biosphere Ltd.

absolute australia - sonopolis
francisco lópez - australian tour 2013
“Sonopolis” / Liquid Architecture Festival
live immersive performances:

Sound Installation at Ohrenhoch der Geräuschladen, Berlin
Sunday 4 and 11 August 2013, 2pm - 9pm
Weichselstr. 49 - 12045 Berlin-Neukölln
Francisco López - 'Heitsi-Eibib-Rec' [17:25]:
Original environmental sound matter recorded worldwide between 2003 and2007.
Created at mobile messor (Den Haag), May 2012.
(c) francisco lópez 2012

a new composition for blindfolded music ensemble
Reza Khota (electric guitar)
Waldo Alexander (violin)
Siya Makuzeni (trombone/voice)
Marcus Wyatt (trumpet)
Magda de Vries (percussion)
Preview concert: Goethe Institut, Johannesburg (South Africa) - June 30th 2013:
Premieres: National Arts Festival, Grahamstown (South Africa) - July 2nd & 3rd 2013:
López has created a new work for an instrumental ensemble for the National Arts Festival 2013. It is the result of an unorthodox process of his working directly with the musicians involved: sonic textures, gestures and compositional structure itself all arise from the particular skills, style and features of the specific ensemble.
Grounded on a “concrète” aesthetic of the specific sonic material itself being the basis and origin of the music, his compositional work proceeds without a preconceived “theme” or programmatic drive.
López also requires the musicians to be blindfolded. Both scores and visual cues are thus replaced by aural cues that the performers have to carefully listen to within the music textures as they perform the piece.
This is a rare opportunity to hear one of the major compositional voices of our time, together with some of South Africa's finest musicians.
Untitled #310 is supported by the National Arts Festival, the Goethe-Institut, the University of Johannesburg and the Spanish Embassy.
created by Francisco López
from original environmental sound matter from cities all over the world
presented at the Studio für elektroakustische Musik of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
'Ghost Forest' - Amsterdam
Opening Sunday May 19, 2013 - 3:00 PM
Glazen Huis, Orangerie en Rietveld Huis
Zone2Source is a new international platform which invites artists to develop projects inside and outside of the glass pavilions of the Amstelpark, in which alternative practices and experiences of our ‘natural’ environment are being proposed. Zone2Source is concerned with a return to the source to observe and experience anew in order to explore new relations between humans, nature and technology. In exhibitions, workshops, presentations and discussions alternative imaginations are being offered to reorient ourselves with what a 21st century way of dealing with our world could be.
Exhibitions run from May 19 to July 14 and are on view Thursday to Sunday 12 – 5 PM
Glazen Huis: Lab Portal 1 | Secret Signals
Front space: Francisco Lopez, Ghost Forest
A sound installation consisting of recordings made in forests around the world projects its sonic layers as a surround sound experience in the space.
Back space: Dmitry Gelfand and Evelina Domnitch, Hydrogeny
Transformation of energy is made visible through the use of a white laser which transforms water bubbles animated by electrolyse into many coloured illuminated micro-lenses.
Orangerie: Lab Portal 2 | Utopia Now Arne Hendriks, The Incredible Shrinking Man An ongoing speculative research project into the possibilities of creating a human being which would more ideally fit our planet.
Klokken - Tijuana, Mexico
Francisco López - “klokken” immersive installation
Exhibition “Teoría de la Entropía”
Centro Cultural Tijuana, Mexico
Works by: Alvin Lucier (US), Andrés Padilla Domene (MX), Chris Watson (UK), Enrique Jezik (AR), Francisco López (ES), Iván Abreu (MX), Iván Puig (MX), Luciano Matus (MX), Marcela Armas (MX), Miguel Rodríguez Sepúlveda (MX), Pablo Helguera (MX), Pierre Scheffer (FR), Tania Candiani (MX), Ximena Díaz (CO)

untitled #275 piano composition
Red Ear Festival, Rotterdam
Francisco López's "untitled#275"
piano composition
Performed live by Reinier van Houdt (mechanically-prepared piano) and Francisco López (live immersive surround system)
April 21st - 12:00PM
Lantarenvenster - Zaal 1
Wilhelminapier, Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam
More info: http://www.redear.nl/content/secrets-pier
absolute Barcelona
Störung Festival
PERFORMANCES - 19th April 2013La Farinera del Clot, 20:00h:
SAFFRONKEIRA (IT): 'Experiment#1'
More info > http://www.storung.com/
Overtoon Exhibition - Brussels
17 April, 18:00 - 22:00
Opening night - vernissage & concert
Overtoon invites field recordist and sound artist Francisco López to join Aernoudt Jacobs in a concert with Jacobs' Phantom Melodies installation on the opening night. This is an opportunity to present the CD LITH, a collaboration of Francisco Lopez and Aernoudt Jacobs which will be released on the Brussels Sub Rosa label.
During Art Brussels (April 17th-21st), the exhibition is open on Thu-Friday: 12.30-10 pm and Sat-Sunday: 12.30-6.30 pm.
25 April, 20:00 - 22:00
Lecture - Acoustic Phenomena and Applications of Acoustics
Overtoon organizes a lecture with Prof. Dr. Christ Glorieux, associate professor at the KUL. This
evening is part of a lecture series that relates to the research program of Overtoon. More information here.
Parallel activities Overtoon
Drones / Birds - Princes of Ubiquity Group Exhibition with work of Christoph De Boeck (Hortus), curated by Bram Crevits. Botanique, Koningsstraat 236, Brussels. 11–21 April 2013. www.thedigitalnow.be
Group exhibition with work of Christoph De Boeck (Hortus solo) Lille 3000 – Gare Saint-Sauveur, Lille, France. 2 May -11 August 2013. www.lille3000.eu
Group Exhibition with work of Christoph De Boeck (Plant Condition) and Aernoudt Jacobs (Leslie/History) GalerieFortlaan17– Ghent, Belgium. 5 May - 29 June 2013. www.fortlaan17.com
More info: http://www.imal.org/en/activity/overtoon-exhibition
absolute Chalon sur Saone
Kontact Sonores Festival
Concerts immersifs en multidiffusion
absolute Hong Kong
Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre
Hong Kong
francisco lópez
Feb 26 - conference hall: artist talk
Feb 28 - black box space: live immersive performance

a sound piece by Francisco López
Encuentro de Prácticas Sonoras
Santiago de Chile
18 & 19 January 2013
CasaViva: Av. España 502, esq. Toesca [metro república]
More info: http://encuentrofricciones.wordpress.com/
absolute Aalst
francisco lópez
live immersive performance
@ NETWERK center for contemporary art
Aalst, Belgium
January 18th 2013 - 20:00h
more info @