[ news // archive 2006 ]
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framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity presented by Patrick Mcginley.
This week's edition of framework: afield has been produced in Madrid, Spain, by M.A. Tolosa. For more info contact him directly at ube [at] con-v.org. Playlist below. In his own words:
"A variety of approximations to the sound work based on field recordings through different techniques and diverse locations. From the classic soundwalk (Dan Warburton) later edited and processed, compositions made in the studio based exclusively on recordings taken in rural locations (Yannick Dauby), pure, raw field recordings without editing or processing (Jon Tulchin) to industrial, urban recordings (Francisco López, Pablo Reche & Ubeboet). The session ends with a
recordings made inside/outside at the studio in 1969 during the recording sessions of "The trout mask replica" album by Captain Beefheart."
Next week will be our final show for 2006, and will be my first show behind the reigns since september! as of the new year i will be with you more regularly, returning to our normal schedule of weekly alternations between framework and framework:afield. Meanwhile, i'm very excited about the new series of framework:afield coming up in the new year - lots
of new contributors and great proposals. Again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions. We are also now accepting proposals for full editions of our guest-curated series.
Send proposals or material, released or not, on any format, to the address below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
31 nevill road
London n16 8sl
framework [at ] talk21.com
20.12.06 (this edition will be available online until 27.12.06)
01. Dan Warburton - A walk through m. ('A walk through m. ep' - conv.org 2006)
02. Yannick Dauby - 1a ('La riviere penchee' - alluvial 2004)
03. Jon Tulchin - Thunderstorm ('Location recordings: Oahu' - and/oar 2004)
04. Francisco López - untitled 180, extract ('untitled 180' - alien8 2006)
05. Pablo Reche & Ubeboet - cirsum + natura duce ('duae' - retinascan 2006)
06. Captain Beefheart - untitled 2 ('trout mask replica outtakes' - 1969)
Framework broadcasts wednesdays on Resonance104.4fm in London (UK)
or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com > from 1-2pm gmt
Next broadcast: 27.12.06 ~ time zone converter
ml ~ for general info, playlists, podcast, or to stream the latest edition: www.resonancefm.com/framework
framework is supported by soundtransit
This week's edition of framework: afield has been produced in Madrid, Spain, by M.A. Tolosa. For more info contact him directly at ube [at] con-v.org. Playlist below. In his own words:
"A variety of approximations to the sound work based on field recordings through different techniques and diverse locations. From the classic soundwalk (Dan Warburton) later edited and processed, compositions made in the studio based exclusively on recordings taken in rural locations (Yannick Dauby), pure, raw field recordings without editing or processing (Jon Tulchin) to industrial, urban recordings (Francisco López, Pablo Reche & Ubeboet). The session ends with a
recordings made inside/outside at the studio in 1969 during the recording sessions of "The trout mask replica" album by Captain Beefheart."
Next week will be our final show for 2006, and will be my first show behind the reigns since september! as of the new year i will be with you more regularly, returning to our normal schedule of weekly alternations between framework and framework:afield. Meanwhile, i'm very excited about the new series of framework:afield coming up in the new year - lots
of new contributors and great proposals. Again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions. We are also now accepting proposals for full editions of our guest-curated series.
Send proposals or material, released or not, on any format, to the address below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
31 nevill road
London n16 8sl
framework [at ] talk21.com
20.12.06 (this edition will be available online until 27.12.06)
01. Dan Warburton - A walk through m. ('A walk through m. ep' - conv.org 2006)
02. Yannick Dauby - 1a ('La riviere penchee' - alluvial 2004)
03. Jon Tulchin - Thunderstorm ('Location recordings: Oahu' - and/oar 2004)
04. Francisco López - untitled 180, extract ('untitled 180' - alien8 2006)
05. Pablo Reche & Ubeboet - cirsum + natura duce ('duae' - retinascan 2006)
06. Captain Beefheart - untitled 2 ('trout mask replica outtakes' - 1969)
Framework broadcasts wednesdays on Resonance104.4fm in London (UK)
or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com > from 1-2pm gmt
Next broadcast: 27.12.06 ~ time zone converter
ml ~ for general info, playlists, podcast, or to stream the latest edition: www.resonancefm.com/framework
framework is supported by soundtransit
live in valencia
december 13th, 2006
8:00pm: lecture
9:00pm: live concert
@ ((VIBRA)) Cicle d'Art Sonor i Música Experimental
Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporánea.
Edifici El Siglo Valenciano
c/ San Fernando 12
Valencia - Spain
8:00pm: lecture
9:00pm: live concert
@ ((VIBRA)) Cicle d'Art Sonor i Música Experimental
Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporánea.
Edifici El Siglo Valenciano
c/ San Fernando 12
Valencia - Spain
absolute amsterdam
gaudeamus live electronics festival
20-25 november 2006
nov. 24th @ het muziekgebouw, amsterdam:
3:00-5:00pm - symposium:
- interview gordon mumma, reaction edwin van der heide, discussion
- interview francisco lópez, reaction dj rupture, discussion
- interview michel waisvisz, reaction anne la berge, discussion
10:00pm: lópez solo live performance
20-25 november 2006
nov. 24th @ het muziekgebouw, amsterdam:
3:00-5:00pm - symposium:
- interview gordon mumma, reaction edwin van der heide, discussion
- interview francisco lópez, reaction dj rupture, discussion
- interview michel waisvisz, reaction anne la berge, discussion
10:00pm: lópez solo live performance
blind city
A project of blind navigation by Francisco López
within the event "Cité Invisible / Invisible City"
7th Manifestation International de Vidéo et Art Electronique Montreal
Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec
September 20th - October 1st, 2006
Presented by Champ Libre - http://www.champlibre.com
BLIND CITY (installation / experience) is a project in which blind people become the guides of blindfolded sighted people in an experience of navigation through a city and inside a sonic virtual environment in the form of an indoor installation. It works as a piece/experience that explores the possibility of transferring apprehensions of the world through the interaction of people living in different perceptive universes and through the direct exposure to real and virtual sound environment. This project is part of a long-term exploration of mine on non-visual realities and virtualities that I have been carrying out in the form of performances, installations and experiences in complete darkness, over the last twenty years.
IMPORTANT: this installation / experience is accessible to the public ONLY by previous appointment with reservation (please check Champ Libre website for more information).
BLIND CITY (performance). This live performance is the third component of the BLIND CITY project. It will be open to the general public and will premiere an ongoing sound piece with extreme mutations of sound environments from the city of Montreal that I have been carrying out over the past six years. This piece is a creative interpretation on the 'invisibility' of Montreal and will be presented in complete darkness with blindfolds provided for the audience in this first live performance.
Sept. 22 - 5:30PM Auditorium:
Talk at the Champ Libre / Parachute Magazine Symposium "City - Art - Technology"
Sept. 22 - 10:00PM Auditorium:
Live performance
Sept. 29, 30, and Oct. 1 - 10:00AM to 9:00PM Bibliothèque Nationale and streets of Montreal:
Installation / experience with blind people
within the event "Cité Invisible / Invisible City"
7th Manifestation International de Vidéo et Art Electronique Montreal
Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec
September 20th - October 1st, 2006
Presented by Champ Libre - http://www.champlibre.com
BLIND CITY (installation / experience) is a project in which blind people become the guides of blindfolded sighted people in an experience of navigation through a city and inside a sonic virtual environment in the form of an indoor installation. It works as a piece/experience that explores the possibility of transferring apprehensions of the world through the interaction of people living in different perceptive universes and through the direct exposure to real and virtual sound environment. This project is part of a long-term exploration of mine on non-visual realities and virtualities that I have been carrying out in the form of performances, installations and experiences in complete darkness, over the last twenty years.
IMPORTANT: this installation / experience is accessible to the public ONLY by previous appointment with reservation (please check Champ Libre website for more information).
BLIND CITY (performance). This live performance is the third component of the BLIND CITY project. It will be open to the general public and will premiere an ongoing sound piece with extreme mutations of sound environments from the city of Montreal that I have been carrying out over the past six years. This piece is a creative interpretation on the 'invisibility' of Montreal and will be presented in complete darkness with blindfolds provided for the audience in this first live performance.
Sept. 22 - 5:30PM Auditorium:
Talk at the Champ Libre / Parachute Magazine Symposium "City - Art - Technology"
Sept. 22 - 10:00PM Auditorium:
Live performance
Sept. 29, 30, and Oct. 1 - 10:00AM to 9:00PM Bibliothèque Nationale and streets of Montreal:
Installation / experience with blind people
absolute lima
Sound Art Festival "VIBRA: Audio Lima Experimental"
Organized by Centro Fundacion Telefonica and Alta Tecnologia Andina
Curated by Jorge Villacorta
francisco lópez
live show:
August 29th - 8:00PM
Main Conference Hall
workshop "The World as Instrument":
August 29th (10:00am-12:00pm) and 30th (11:00am-3:00pm)
Media Lab
Fundacion Telefonica
Av. Arequipa 1155, Lima - Peru
Organized by Centro Fundacion Telefonica and Alta Tecnologia Andina
Curated by Jorge Villacorta
francisco lópez
live show:
August 29th - 8:00PM
Main Conference Hall
workshop "The World as Instrument":
August 29th (10:00am-12:00pm) and 30th (11:00am-3:00pm)
Media Lab
Fundacion Telefonica
Av. Arequipa 1155, Lima - Peru
change of e-mail address
My email address has changed to:
franciscolopez <at> compuserve.com
The old one (franciscolopez <at> csi.com) will remain active for a short period of time. Please update your address book, thanks.
franciscolopez <at> compuserve.com
The old one (franciscolopez <at> csi.com) will remain active for a short period of time. Please update your address book, thanks.
absolute amazon
Francisco López
"Natural and virtual sound environments: the 'real' world as a source for sonic creation"
2nd Annual Sound Workshop in the Brazilian Amazon
Lake Mamori, Amazonia, Brazil
August 18-27, 2006
Organized by Mamori ArtLab
Complete information on the location, activities, program, registration, etc.:
General: Under a perspective of creation, of hands-on experience and of discussion and interaction, this workshop tackles with the exploration, recording and studio work of natural sound environments in the surroundings of Lake Mamori, both in their intrinsic features and in their potential as source material for the creation of new virtual sonic worlds.
Perspective and goals: My sound work is focused on the generation of new virtual sonic worlds out of field recordings through an extensive process of mutation and transformation of these materials. The main aim of the workshop is the creative exploration -instead of documentation- of natural sound environments. It does not have a technical character but is instead directed to the realization of sound works and the sharing of experiences in both the field and the studio work.
Among other specific aspects (including those that might arise from the collective discussion and work), the workshop will deal with:
- the perception of the astonishing sonic and spatial richness of the environments of a tropical rain forest such as Lake Mamori,
- the exploration of the creative potential of this outstanding reality,
- the awareness on the equally astonishing ubiquity of human-generated sounds, even in remote areas.
Activities and materials:
The activities will include:
- introductory sessions on field recordings and sound creation, with a historical / philosophical perspective,
- field trips (both diurnal and nocturnal) for intense listening and recording of sound environments,
- collective listening and discussion sessions of the sound materials gathered,
- sessions of studio work (with laptop) starting from these materials,
- realization of a sound piece by each participant (or in small groups).
Although recommendable, the participants do not need to bring field recording equipment. Yet it is absolutely necessary that each one of them brings his own studio equipment, that is, a laptop computer with audio software that the user knows how to use, as well as headphones. A speaker system will be available for group listening sessions.
"Natural and virtual sound environments: the 'real' world as a source for sonic creation"
2nd Annual Sound Workshop in the Brazilian Amazon
Lake Mamori, Amazonia, Brazil
August 18-27, 2006
Organized by Mamori ArtLab
Complete information on the location, activities, program, registration, etc.:
General: Under a perspective of creation, of hands-on experience and of discussion and interaction, this workshop tackles with the exploration, recording and studio work of natural sound environments in the surroundings of Lake Mamori, both in their intrinsic features and in their potential as source material for the creation of new virtual sonic worlds.
Perspective and goals: My sound work is focused on the generation of new virtual sonic worlds out of field recordings through an extensive process of mutation and transformation of these materials. The main aim of the workshop is the creative exploration -instead of documentation- of natural sound environments. It does not have a technical character but is instead directed to the realization of sound works and the sharing of experiences in both the field and the studio work.
Among other specific aspects (including those that might arise from the collective discussion and work), the workshop will deal with:
- the perception of the astonishing sonic and spatial richness of the environments of a tropical rain forest such as Lake Mamori,
- the exploration of the creative potential of this outstanding reality,
- the awareness on the equally astonishing ubiquity of human-generated sounds, even in remote areas.
Activities and materials:
The activities will include:
- introductory sessions on field recordings and sound creation, with a historical / philosophical perspective,
- field trips (both diurnal and nocturnal) for intense listening and recording of sound environments,
- collective listening and discussion sessions of the sound materials gathered,
- sessions of studio work (with laptop) starting from these materials,
- realization of a sound piece by each participant (or in small groups).
Although recommendable, the participants do not need to bring field recording equipment. Yet it is absolutely necessary that each one of them brings his own studio equipment, that is, a laptop computer with audio software that the user knows how to use, as well as headphones. A speaker system will be available for group listening sessions.
absolute US east coast
July 12 - New York City:
Francisco López
@ Safe Harbor
446 Broadway, Third Floor, New York City
July 13 - Chicago:
Francisco López
Michael Gendreau
@ Empty Bottle
1035 N. Western Ave., Chicago
July 15 - Washington DC:
Francisco López
@ Warehouse Next Door - Blackbox Theatre
1017 7th Street, NW Washington D.C
July 18 - Brooklyn, New York:
Francisco López
Stephan Moore
Todd Merrell
@ Issue Project Room
400 Carroll St., Brooklyn, New York
Francisco López
@ Safe Harbor
446 Broadway, Third Floor, New York City
July 13 - Chicago:
Francisco López
Michael Gendreau
@ Empty Bottle
1035 N. Western Ave., Chicago
July 15 - Washington DC:
Francisco López
@ Warehouse Next Door - Blackbox Theatre
1017 7th Street, NW Washington D.C
July 18 - Brooklyn, New York:
Francisco López
Stephan Moore
Todd Merrell
@ Issue Project Room
400 Carroll St., Brooklyn, New York
Montreal Sound Matter
A collective field recording / concrete project conceived and directed by Francisco López
Commisssioned and organized by Quartier Ephemere
Coordination by Esther Bourdages
Participating artists: Chantal Dumas, Steve Heimbecker, Louis Dufour, Mathieu Lévesque, Hélène Prévost, Aimé Dontigny, Thomas Phillip, Francisco López
Sound installation: July 6 - August 27, 2006
Opening + CD release launching (Pogus Productions): July 6 - 5:00pm
Live concert: July 27, 2006
@ Quartier Ephemere - Darling Foundry
745 rue Ottawa, Montréal
Commisssioned and organized by Quartier Ephemere
Coordination by Esther Bourdages
Participating artists: Chantal Dumas, Steve Heimbecker, Louis Dufour, Mathieu Lévesque, Hélène Prévost, Aimé Dontigny, Thomas Phillip, Francisco López
Sound installation: July 6 - August 27, 2006
Opening + CD release launching (Pogus Productions): July 6 - 5:00pm
Live concert: July 27, 2006
@ Quartier Ephemere - Darling Foundry
745 rue Ottawa, Montréal
absolute bucarest
lópez live @ club test point
bucarest, romania
June 17, 2006
bucarest, romania
June 17, 2006
absolute rome
francisco lópez
live solo show @ palazzo dei congressi, rome
may 20, 2006 - 9:30pm
dissonanze festival
live solo show @ palazzo dei congressi, rome
may 20, 2006 - 9:30pm
dissonanze festival
Kunsten Festival des Arts - Belgium
a 3-hour documentary film on artificial life, robotics, cyborgs, nanotechnology, etc., and their convergence into the goal of transcending man.
Film by Frank Theys
Music / Sound environments by Francisco López
World premieres:
May 10-13 at:
Toneelhuis Theatre - Antwerp
more info -> http://www.toneelhuis.be
May 26 and 27 at:
Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg - Brussels
more info -> http://www.kvs.be
a 3-hour documentary film on artificial life, robotics, cyborgs, nanotechnology, etc., and their convergence into the goal of transcending man.
Film by Frank Theys
Music / Sound environments by Francisco López
World premieres:
May 10-13 at:
Toneelhuis Theatre - Antwerp
more info -> http://www.toneelhuis.be
May 26 and 27 at:
Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg - Brussels
more info -> http://www.kvs.be
absolute berlin
francisco lópez
live at transmediale, berlin
feb. 3, 4 and 5:
robotic installation performance with pablo ventura and louis phillip demers
@ tesla
feb. 5:
live solo show
@ maria am ostbahnhof
live at transmediale, berlin
feb. 3, 4 and 5:
robotic installation performance with pablo ventura and louis phillip demers
@ tesla
feb. 5:
live solo show
@ maria am ostbahnhof
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