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west ---> east
XXth century ---> XXIst century
west - end of XXth century:
francisco lópez
steve barsotti
rebreather (christopher delaurenti & alex keller)
jon tulchin
michael prather
dec. 29 2000 - 8:00pm
@ room 213, Music Building, University of Washington
east - beginning of XXIst century:
francisco lópez
zipper spy
and others
jan. 2 2001 - 10:00pm -> 3:00am
@ the pyramid
101 Ave. A at 6th St.
New York City
Friday, December 29th, at 8pm PST in room 213 of the Music Building of the University of Washington, Seattle WA USA.
Francisco López
international sound artist based in Madrid, Spain. Francisco uses field recordings collected from the Brazilian rain forest to create monolithic sound structures which consume space and alter one's perception of time. [website]
Steve Barsotti
sound artist and educator who lives in Seattle. His work includes studio based explorations of sound for radio broadcast, site specific sound installations, improvisation on electric/acoustic instruments and sound as an integral part of performance. [website]
rebreather (Christopher DeLaurenti & Alex Keller)
abrasive, sparse, ethereal, abrupt and wistful, rebreather improvise live electronic music from the digital glossolalia of sabotaged consumer electronics, homebrew circuits and obsolete devices. [website]
Jon Tulchin
local sound artist who works with contact mics, found objects, field recordings, and invented instruments. Jon is interested in the projection of sound through alternative mediums (wood, metals, water, etc..) His experiments with amplification allow us to hear the subtleties of vibration.
Michael Prather
local sampler/turntablist who is fascinated with the transformative properties of sound. Michael mixes, degrades, processes and samples any sound source he can get his hands on creating static impressions, oppressive noise walls and foggy environments. Sonic recycling at its best.
Cost: $5.00 suggested donation. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
(nda: thanks to Isaac Sterling for the above informations)
absolute Scandinavia :
Nov. 11 - Trondheim, Norway (@ Avant Garden - info: )
Nov. 15 - Bergen, Norway (@ BEK - info: )
Nov. 16 - Oslo, Norway (@ Blaa - info: )
Nov. 17 - Copenhagen, Denmark (@Musiccafeen - Teater Sthyr & KjÊr -info: )
Nov. 18 - Stockholm, Sweden (@ Fylkingen - info: )
melting the snow...
absolute Poland:
Nov. 6th -> Szczecin / Jazz w Kanie (info: )
Nov. 7th -> Poznan / Center of Contemporary Art "Inner Spaces" (info: )
Nov. 10th -> Cracow / Bucklein Theater (info: )
MONTREAL - SILOPHONE CONCERT Le Silophone [The User] Quartier Ephemere CKUT Alien8 Recordings
Live @ The Darling Foundry, Montreal
Playing the Silophone
Saturday 7 October, 9:00PM
Darling Foundry
257 rue Prince
Metro Square Victoria
Tickets $10
Tune in for the live online broadcast at: http://www.silophone.net
Francisco López @ MassArt (621 Huntington Ave, Boston)
Saturday September 30, 2000
8pm doors. show @ 8:30 sharp. NO admittance after 8:30!
Room North175, North Building. $10
(There will be some arrows on campus to follow.)
T directions:
Take the green line "E" train to Longwood Medical Center stop. MassArt is directly across the street.
Driving directions:
Take Huntington Ave off of Mass Ave at Symphony. Drive down past the Museum of Fine Arts. School is on your right (621 Huntington). Parking in front or on other side of Huntington.
GENERATOR SOUND ART is now happening We are pleased to announce the re-emergence of GENERATOR as a resource for Sound Artists and Sound Art.
GENERATOR SOUND ART, INC. has been established to produce and disseminate original recordings by dedicated sound artists. We are NOT operating as a conventional record label...
Percentages of ALL sales are set aside to directly benefit the artists involved, and to establish a "Fund for Future Projects" which will provide a direct and tangible resource for the sound art community.
For more information visit our website: www.generatorsoundart.org
or to request a printed catalog send an e-mail with your mailing address to:
We welcome your feedback...
GENERATOR Sound Art, Inc.
P.O. Box 1168
NYC, NY 10028
GenKen Montgomery
& Scott Konzelmann (aka Chop Shop)
Upcoming shows:
Seattle, 3 sept. @ I-Spy
Portland, 8 sept. @ Mizpah
Olympia, 19 sept. @ Centrum
Chicago, 23 sept. @ Lampo
New York, 26-29 sept. @ (venue to be confirmed)
Boston, 30 sept. @ (venue to be confirmed)
Montreal, 7 oct. @ The Foundry - Silophone
Bayamon - Puerto Rico, 13 oct. @ Parque de las Ciencias
Absolute Argentina
Sonoridad Amarilla (art space)
15-20 August - sound installation
francisco lópez - Acousmatic Room #4
ICI (Spanish Cultural Institute)
16 August - concert
amy denio
francisco lópez
ICI (Spanish Cultural Institute)
17 August - concert
pablo reche
amy denio & francisco lópez
La Cigalle Club
17 August - DJ session
pablo reche
jorge haro
francisco lópez
Inrockuptibles radio station
18 August - live broadcast concert
francisco lópez
$10-$20 sliding scale
7hz, 23five and The Lab present:
6 channels, 5 artists
The Lab
2948 16th Street, San Francisco
(at Capp Street)
Beyond Music Sound Festival Vol. III
July 28, 29, 30th @
Beyond Baroque
681 Venice Blvd.
Venice, CA 90291
Beyond Baroque continues its dedication to new music with the Beyond Music Sound Festival, a comprehensive three-day event featuring live performance, sound-installations, presentations, and discussions. This year's festival will take place on July 28th, 29th & 30th, and will bring together a diversity of composers to create a highly dynamic forum for creative and critical presentation of original works and the exchange of ideas and responses. The festival exemplifies Beyond Baroque's continued commitment to diversity in the musical arts by supporting challenging and innovative work, from acoustic, concrete, and electronic, to conceptual, performative and computer-based.
July 26th Preview Opening:
Talks: on "site" and "music"
Achim Wollscheid, Neil Denari, Kim Abeles, Matt Coolidge, Brandon LaBelle
also, opening of WrK installation work in gallery, with reception.
July 28th Opening 6pm:
Pauline Oliveros
Achim Wollscheid
Crawl Unit
Kraig Grady
July 29th 3pm:
"Critical Ear: discussion" w/ WrK (minoru sato, jio shimizu, toshiya tsunoda)
Francisco López & Amy Denio
John Bischoff
Tom Recchion
Spastic Colon & Anna Homler
July 30th, 8pm:
Devin Sarno & Petra Haden
Geoff Brandin
GX Jupitter-Larsen
Zbigniew Karkowski
with installations by:
WrK (Minoru Sato, Jio Shimizu, Toshiya Tsunoda)
Ken Ehrlich
Andrew Bucksbarg
Brandon LaBelle
Joe Colley
July 25 - Boulder @ The Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art
amy denio & francisco lópez
July 23 - Albuquerque @ Field & Frame
olivia block
francisco lópez
absolute spoot
amy denio & francisco lópez
absolute spoot tour - east coast
(*nice & noisy*)
July 10 - Baltimore, Red Room at Normal's Books, 425 E. 31st St.
July 11 - Richmond, Sweetwater, 727 W. Broad
July 12 - Blacksburg, Bailey's, 117 S. Main St.
July 13 - Chattanooga, Barking Legs Theatre, 1307 Dodds Ave. +
July 14 - Nashville, Spring Water, 115 27th Ave.
July 15 - Louisville, Swanson Cralle Gallery, 638 E. Market
July 16 - Cleveland, Speak in Tongues, 4311 Lorain + HAZARD
July 17 - Pittsburgh, Millvale INdustrial Theater, 2100 E. Ohio (Rt 28) +
July 18 - Columbus, Mad Lab, 105 N. Grant + HAZARD
July 19 - Detroit (Hamtramck), Entropy Studios, 10338 Jos Campau + HAZARD
absolute noise @ PS1 - NYC francisco lópez
absolute noise @ PS1, New York
sat. July 8 2000
3:00PM -> concert outdoors @ dunescape
7:00PM -> sound installation indoors @ bed of sound
PS1 Contemporary Art Center
22-25 Jackson Ave. at 46th Ave.
Long Island City, New York
la nuit du vendredi 28 janvier 2000 à partir de 20h
Eliane Radigue
Phill Niblock
Francisco López
Zbigniew Karkowski
Kasper T. Toeplitz
Entrèe 36 FF tarif rèduit 29 FF
renseignements tel 03 20 28 38 00, mail kasper@free.fr
au FRESNOY, Studio National des Arts Contemporains
22 rue du Fresnoy - Tourcoing
tel 03 20 28 38 00, fax 03 20 28 38 99, mail:
TRAIN: Gare SNCF de Roubaix, puis 10 minutes à pied (emprunter la passerelle, suivre la rue du Fresnoy, rue du Cap. Aubert, puis rue du Fresnoy)
METRO: (de Lille) Station ALSACE, remonter le Bd d'Armentières, prendre la 2éme à droite (rue du Cap. Aubert, puis rue du Fresnoy)
VOITURE: * De Paris ou Lille, autoroute direction Gand, puis prendre la voie rapide vers Tourcoing, Blanc Seau, et sortie N°9 Le Fresnoy Studio National
* De Gand ou Bruxelles, autoroute direction Lille, sortie N°13a vers Croix Wasquehal, puis direction Roubaix et sortie N°9 Le Fresnoy.
Diving Deep in Barcelona
absolute music @ METRONOM
Festival "Music at Metronom"
Jan. 22nd 2000
10:00PM Fusina, 9 - Barcelona
immersive sound @ HOMA
Sound Exhibit DJing
Jan. 23rd 2000
Rec, 20 - Barcelona
Seattle Gig
Monday, January 3 2000
Voices, Drones, Pulse, and Tones presents
Mutant Data Orchestra with Francisco López
Mercury, 1009 E Union (alley entrance), SEATTLE, 9 pm, $5.
The Mercury is a private club for members and their guests.
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