[ reviews ]

> rel. 2006 - miniCD Purple Soil (Czech Republic) (website)
Francisco López - "el día anterior a la emergencia de los adultos de magicicada" (3"CD Purple Soil, Czech Republic, 2006)
Silence-orientated pieces from the well-renowned Spanish artist - a new approach to his soft and abstract conception of the world as a generator of sound. Within the audible texture, the drone comes and lies down on a bed of a subtle pulse. The composition then develops in a progressively but dramatic way. On a single breath, the sole theme of constant intensity fills the ears with velvet bass tones. López works closer to silence, within the physical boundaries of sound, exploring our fascination for the lower frequencies. Ltd x 500 and presented in a nice foldout card wallet. Cold Sping (UK), April 2006.
Francisco López - "el día anterior a la emergencia de los adultos de magicicada" (3"CD Purple Soil, Czech Republic, 2006)
The music is there but only your house's walls and selected parts of your auditive system respond to the connection. The piece lasts only a little more than 15 minutes, yet it is a masterpiece; a single subsonic drift comes out a little, then withdraws, then again returns to occupy the corners of the ceiling, slowly taking possession of your essence. Moving around the room, the sound becomes more intense or is almost completely cancelled in a sort of illusory phase whose gradual consumption is completed just when the body recognizes this throbbing code as familiar. Impossible not to be impressed by this game of contrasts between tension and comfort, which confirms López's current state of grace. The "repeat" button is absolutely recommended. Touching Extremes (Italy), June 2006.
Silence-orientated pieces from the well-renowned Spanish artist - a new approach to his soft and abstract conception of the world as a generator of sound. Within the audible texture, the drone comes and lies down on a bed of a subtle pulse. The composition then develops in a progressively but dramatic way. On a single breath, the sole theme of constant intensity fills the ears with velvet bass tones. López works closer to silence, within the physical boundaries of sound, exploring our fascination for the lower frequencies. Ltd x 500 and presented in a nice foldout card wallet. Cold Sping (UK), April 2006.
Francisco López - "el día anterior a la emergencia de los adultos de magicicada" (3"CD Purple Soil, Czech Republic, 2006)
The music is there but only your house's walls and selected parts of your auditive system respond to the connection. The piece lasts only a little more than 15 minutes, yet it is a masterpiece; a single subsonic drift comes out a little, then withdraws, then again returns to occupy the corners of the ceiling, slowly taking possession of your essence. Moving around the room, the sound becomes more intense or is almost completely cancelled in a sort of illusory phase whose gradual consumption is completed just when the body recognizes this throbbing code as familiar. Impossible not to be impressed by this game of contrasts between tension and comfort, which confirms López's current state of grace. The "repeat" button is absolutely recommended. Touching Extremes (Italy), June 2006.